Advertising Events


A fascinating and evocative location, at the foot of Mont Blanc, surrounded by centuries-old fir forests, with sled dogs making everything unique and special.
What better setting for a new product launch or a commercial shoot? DogSledMan provides professional and tailor-made advertising services, ensuring a high-quality experience for its clients. This service is designed for those who want to enhance their brand visibility through a one-of-a-kind image, helping to launch or relaunch their brand and services.

Nature, animals, wilderness, and sustainability—all at your disposal to help you stand out and make a statement!


The price list varies depending on the number of participants.

Contact us via e-mail for a custom quote!

Our standard program is always customized based on the needs of couples, families, groups of friends, corporate teams, and large events.

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    cosa vi aspetta

    perchè sceglierci?

    DIvertimento 85%
    Adrenalina 90%
    Natura selvaggia 95%

    La corsa con i cani da slitta, anche indicata con i termini inglesi sleddog, sled dog racing o dog sled racing (da sled, slitta, dog, cane, e racing, sport) è uno sport invernale praticato su slitte trainate da cani e guidate da un conduttore, detto con termine inglese musher.

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